Sense of Atmosphere Earth Tone Eyeshadow Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Pigmented Waterproof Warm Eye Shadows Pallet buy on JSA Fashion
❤❤POP NAKED BROWN TONES: Nine nude shades consist of five mattes including soft brown, sturdy brown,dark brown,beige, three sparkle shimmer including silver shimmers, gold shimmers, pink shimmer and one sparkling glitter,has everything you need from bold beiges and sultry sands to brazen bronzes and tempting sultry! 

❤❤SMOOTH CREAMY TEXTURE:The eyeshadow’s long-wearing formula contains a unique combination of softer powders which adheres easily to the eyes, gives a soft-focus effect, and blends smoothly and evenly 

❤❤LONG LASTING ULTRA-BLENDABLE : Matte and Shimmer eye shadows, long lasting, easily blendable eye shadows that can be applied wet or dry for many different looks. Reasonably clever color combinations, make the eyes more vivid, rich three-dimensional sense.

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