6-color Concealer Modify Skin Tone Liquid Concealer Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Moisturizing Cover Dark Circles Concealer Foundation Cream Concealer buy on JSA Fashion
❤【6 Colors Conceal Correct Contour Makeup Palette】 This palette features 6 colors correcting concealers, Colorful Shades,expertly chosen to work together to conceal problem areas.Highlights, shapes, & sculpts facial features for naturally enhanced definition. Create the perfect foundation for your look!

 ❤【Conceal Correct Contour】This palette helps conceal trouble spots and visibly correct discolorations,Sculpt, define, & highlight your best features & achieve a look that's perfect for your skin tone. Yellow and Peach conceal dullness and dark circles,Light and Medium camouflage imperfections, Green covers redness, Purple and Pink brighten. 

❤【Light Medium】 Try each shade alone or blend to find your best coverage,suitable for Light Medium skin tone. 

❤【Longwearing & Waterproof】It is longwearing and waterproof,suitable for shopping,partying,even swimming.Perfect for daily use.

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