Eye Shadow Pen Double-Headed Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Matte Shimmer Natural Sweat-Proof Glue Pen Dual-Use Eyeshadow Outline Shadow Eyeliner buy on JSA Fashion
2-in-1】Unique dual-ended design, one to outline, another to brighten, create the same eye look like        the  girl group. 

Precise Lines】The fine tip and precise lines, make it easy for beginners to control, and easy to get a      natural lying silkworm and big eyes. 

Multi-use】Not only can be applied on the eyes, but also on the lip peaks and the noses. Natural light      up the makeup, create a 3D makeup. 

Smooth & High pigmented】Adopt a retractable design, add candelilla wax and vitamin E, the refill      is  smooth and high pigmented, can be shaped with one stroke.

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