Kawaii Plush Avocado Slippers Purchase on Amazon & Aliexpress

JSA Fashion
Millffy Women Cute Plush Pitaya Mangosteen Fruit Avocado Slipper buy on JSA Fashion
The cutest slippers you never had, Two Size fit all US Women 5-8 and US Women 8-10 CUTE FRUIT FACE- Unique fruit art design that are made with a avocado pattern exterior in colorful & fun printed patterns and then lined with a soft fleece inside. COMFORTABLE - Soft, comfy, warm and just simply adorable. This slippers keep feet warm even on the coldest of days! They work in warm climates too where air conditioning keeps floors cold. AMAZING GIFT - suprise gift for the girls you care. These slippers could match well with your loungewear, pajamas, robes etc. EASY TO CLEAN: You can wash the slippers with cold water by hand, and then dry them in the sun.They are really perfect for indoor.

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